Monday, December 31, 2007


No more champagne
And the fireworks are through
Here we are, me and you
Feeling lost and feeling blue
It’s the end of the party
And the morning seems so grey
So unlike yesterday
Now’s the time for us to say...

Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have a vision now and then
Of a world where every neighbour is a friend
Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have our hopes, our will to try
If we don’t we might as well lay down and die
You and i

Sometimes I see
How the brave new world arrives
And I see how it thrives
In the ashes of our lives
Oh yes, man is a fool
And he thinks he’ll be okay
Dragging on, feet of clay
Never knowing he’s astray
Keeps on going anyway...

Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have a vision now and then
Of a world where every neighbour is a friend
Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have our hopes, our will to try
If we don’t we might as well lay down and die
You and i

Seems to me now
That the dreams we had before
Are all dead, nothing more
Than confetti on the floor
It’s the end of a decade
In another ten years time
Who can say what we’ll find
What lies waiting down the line
In the end of eighty-nine...

Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have a vision now and then
Of a world where every neighbour is a friend
Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have our hopes, our will to try
If we don’t we might as well lay down and die
You and i

Monday, December 24, 2007






Lenka x

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Last 8 months II

One of the nights!!!

On the way to Torp

Last 8 months I

Flight to Murcia

Murcia airport

Helloween night

Agneska and me

Chesus last flight

Martha, Malgorzata, me and Marta

Cambrige with Martina

Just before Christmas

Good morning everyone,

well it is 5am and I'm sitting in the crew room, having airport standby and hopping for neither of crew take me today flying, because I already plan so many things to do. It has been long time, since I wrote last time here and I must say not much happened.

Well since I moved to Bremen I have been busy working, didn't have summer holiday, but as you all know my mum and sister with kids where here in July. I had to work but still manage to have good time with them. End of August and September was very busy, me traveling 2 times to Spain, having my CSS training and recurrent training. Everything went ok, I pass all training flights and line checks as well. Got my Ryanair contract after one year and end of September I become AH, which means I can fly as a junior or No1. And it happened. Yesterday 8.12. I was flying as a No1 to Malta and back. I had very, very nice cabin crew and fly deck. Because it was my first time, of course I forgot some things but manage well all day. As we say in Czech, we learn from our mistakes and we try not to do them again.

During that time I had here couple people except my family visiting me. Mostly for weekends, in June there was Ivo and finally Martina manage to come to see me and she is even coming here for Xmas. Which I'm really looking forward to it, because no holiday for Christmas this year again, so it will be nice again to have someone here. Speaking of Xmas, since the 1.December I got in to very by Xmas mode, started baking Xmas cookies and visiting market every day. Just made one big decision for this time, no presents at all. So if you are thinking what to get me for Xmas, don't I don't need anything and I don't want anything.;-) Would be nice if you could come, but at this time I can't force you to come here. But still hope when the next year 2008 comes, you will make some time and visit Bremen.

Bremen is a nice city and when is a nice weather Schlachte is the best place to go. Not only this, in Bremen is a Beck brewery and to go there is really good and interesting. Beer lovers will really enjoy it, trust me, even I don't understand beer I just drink it :-), I had a nice afternoon there. And more and more to see here, football lovers can visit a museum of one of the big Bundesliga club Werder Bremen. For the record, I did not manage to go there. Still more to see, the famous Bremen musicians , Roland and others things to see. Trust me, always things to do here.:-)

The weather here is not so great, as my sister said, Bremen is a toilet of the world, her words are true, because it's raining here a lot. I already destroyed 3 umbrellas and not really sure if I didn't destroyed another one today but right now I'm not really up to check it. I will see when I go home. I keep walking every day to the airport and back home. I even join the gym, but at this time I really don't have much time, but at least I go there 1 or 2 times per week. Which for person like me it is a record.:-)

As I said before, no Xmas holiday for me, but I'm off to holiday one week before. Which is just in 2 days. On Tuesday 11.12. via Stansted airport I'm flying to Frankfurt-Hahn to see my ex-colleagues and later in the evening I'm off to Luxembourg to see everyone. On Friday 14.12. I'm off to Stansted again and staying for few days with Jana, Stephen and little Millie. Can't wait to see them all especially little Millie, last time I saw here was in February, so I hope we become good friends as quickly as last time we did.:-)

Otherwise nothing new here. My flat is 100% ready, I even have an Internet this time. Happy to live here. Just needs more visitors. :-) Still like flying, who wouldn't if time to time you are standing next to Real Madrid plane or The King of Jordan is next to you, so I have decide to stay here at least the end of 2008. So for the next 12 months you all know where to look for me. Planing few holidays next year. My mum will come for another few weeks in March so we want be staying here all the time. And then at the end of the March I will have another holiday. And from April 2008 Ryanair is changing flying hours from 1200h for 900h per year so I hope I will be less tired. :-) Decide not to go so often for my holidays to Czech. I would like to start travel more in to destinations Ryanair is flying. But you can still get me on Skype, ICQ and MSN, you can read about what I'm up to on my blog or just to write e.mail.

This will be I think everything for today. Already 2 crew left and it will be 7am and I need a breakfast. Have a nice Xmas all of you and hope to hear from you soon, do not stress. Take care and for next time see you.

Dobre rano vsem,

je prave 5h rano a ja sedim v crew room, mam dneska pohotovost na letisti a doufam, ze zadna skupina kdoo lita si me nevezme pro dnesek, abych s nima letala, protoze jsem si uz naplanovala spoustu veci. Dlouho jsem se neozvala a od te doby co jsem psala naposledy se nic moc nestalo.

Od te doby co jsem se prestehovala do Bremen jsem mela spoustu letani, nedostala jsem letni dovolenou,ale jak vsichni vite moje mamka a sestra s detma tady byli za mnou v cervnu. Sice jsem musela pracovat, ale stejne jsme si to uzili. Na konci srpna a v zari bylo nejenom spoustu prace, ale dvakrak jsem cestovala do Spanelska, kde jsem mela trenink pro No1 a rocni zkousky. Vse dopadlo dobre, vse jsem slozila i trenikove a zkouskove lety. Od zari jsem dostala po roce Ryanair smlouvu a koncem zari jsem se stala AH,coz znamena, ze mohu leta jako junior nebo No1. A konecne se to i stalo vcera 8.12. Jo,jo letala jsem jako No1 na Maltu a zpet. Byl to velice krasny den a diky vsem 3 kolegum co se mnou pracovali a pilotum vse probehlo v poradku. Samozdrejme nejaka ta chybicka se vloudila, ale jak se rika: Chybama se clovek uci!

Behem tohoto casu par osubek krome me rodiny me navstivilo na viked, v cervnu tu byl Ivo a konecne i Martina dorazila se na me podivat a dokonce prijede i na vanoce. Na co se strasne tesim, protoze nemam dovolenou na vanoce tento rok , tak bude velice prijemne tu nekoho mit. Kdyz mluvim o vanocich, od 1. prosince na me prisla vanocni muza a ja zacala pect cukrovi a navstevovat kazdy den vanocni trhy. Rozhodla jsem se letost nekupovat zadne darky. Takze pokud premyslite co mi koupit pod stromecek, prestante premyslet ja nic nepotrebuji a ani nechci, zbytecne vyhozene penize.:-) Lepsi by bylo kdyby jste prijeli, ale v tomto case rozumim, ze Vas tu neuvidim. Stale vsak doufam, ze pristi rok 2008 si udelate cas a prijedete se podivat sem do Bremen.

Bremen je pekne mesto a pokud je pekne pocasi Schlachte je to perfektni misto. A nejen tam, v Bremen je pivovat Beck a velice zajimave je jit na prohlidku. Milovnici piva si to 100% uziji, verte mi i pres to ze pivu nerozumim jen ho piju :-),moc jsem si to tam jedno odpoledne uzila. A stale vic a vic tu muzete videt. Milovnici fotbalu, je tu jeden z velkych klubu Bundes ligy Werder Bremen a museum fotbalu. Musim priznat tam jsem jeste nedorazila. A stale vic a vic muzete videt, slavne Bremenske muzikanty, Rolanda a dalsi veci. Verte mi, je tu spousta veci, ktere tu muzete podniknout.

Pocasi tady neni zas tak perfektni, jak by si clovek myslel a jak moje sestra prohlasila, Bremen je nocnik sveta, protoze tu stale prsi, coz je pravda. Prsi tu dost. Prozatim jsem zrusila 3 destniky a myslim, ze ten ctvrty je na ceste. Ale prave ted se mi nechce to kontrolovat. Kouknu na to az dorazim domu. Stale kazdy den chodim pesky na letiste a zpet domu. Dokonce jsem se prihlasila do posilovny, ale prozatim na to neni dostatek casu, ale snazim se vyrazim 1 ci 2 krat tydne. Coz pro cloveka jako jsem ja, je co rici.:-)

Jak jsem rekla na zacatku, zadna vanocni dovolena pro me, ale odjizdim na vanoce jeden tyden predem. V utery 11.12. pres Stansted letim zkontrolavat sve byvale kolegy do Frankfurt-Hahn, pozdeji odjizdim do Lucemburska pozdravit vsechny tam. V patek 14.12. odletam opet zpet do Stanstedu a zustavam tam par dni u Jany, Stephna a male Millie. Nemuzu se dockat je zase po dlouhe dobe videt, obzvlaste Millie. Posledne kdyz jsme se videli, to bylo v unoru, hned jsme byli kamaradi. Tak doufam, ze to bude i tentokrat. :-)

Jinak nic noveho. Muj byt je 100% hotov, dokonce mam internet. Velice jsem rada, ze mam tento byt. Jen potrebuji vice navstevniku. :-) Stale rada letam a kdo by ne, kdyz vedle Vas stoji letadlo Realu Madrid, nebo Jordanskoho Krale. Rozhodla jsem se zustat v Bremen nejmene do konce roku 2008. Takze pro dalsich 12 mesicu budete vedet kde me muzete najit. Pro pristi rok planuji par tydnu dovolene, ale tentokrat ne v cechach. Mamina prijede v breznu a zustane tu na par tydnu, takze i tu nekam vyvezu. Od dubna 2008 Ryanair meni hodiny letani, takze uz nebudeme letat 1200hodin rocne ale pouze 900hodin a tak doufam, ze nebudu tak unavena :-) Jak jsem psala, rozhodla jsem se prestat travit vsechnu svoji dovolenou v cechach a misto toho zacku cestovat do destinaci kam Ryanair leta. Ale stale me muzete zastihnout na Skype, ICQ and MSN, muzete si precis co podnikam na mem blogu nebo stale prijimam e.maily.

A to bude asi vse pro dnesek. Tak konecne 2 skupiny uz jsou pryc a bude 7hodin a ja potrebuji snidani. Preji vsem krasne vanoce a doufam, ze o Vas brzo uslysim. Oparujte se a nestresujte se a zase brzo naschledanou.

Monday, October 01, 2007


Hi everyone,

the time has come and Im getting ready for my holiday, well it will be only for 11days in Czech, but I need it. I will be very busy, last time I was at home was in January, but still have time if u decide to visit me, just let me know when u coming to see me. I will be in Rychnov from 13.10. till 23.10., if u don't manage to see me there, remember Im still alive in Bremen and the flat is ready for visiters.

Take care all of u Lenka

Ahoj vsichni,

nadesel cas, kdy se priblizila doba me dovolene. Sice to bude pouze 11 dni v CZ, ale potrebuji je jako sul. Budu sice mit spoustu prace, protoze naposledy kdyz jsem byla doma bylo v lednu, takze nebude chvilka volneho casu, ale vzdy si najdu cas na vas pokud me prijedete navstivit. A kdyz to nezvladnete dorazit do Rychnova mezi 13.10. do 23.10. tak si pamatujte, ze stale bydlim v Bremach a byt je pripraveny pro navstevy.

Vsichni se opatrujte.


Sunday, September 23, 2007

It's My Life

This ain't a song for the broken-hearted
No silent prayer for the faith-departed
I ain't gonna be just a face in the crowd
You're gonna hear my voice
When I shout it out loud

It's my life
It's now or never
I ain't gonna live forever
I just want to live while I'm alive
(It's my life)
My heart is like an open highway
Like Frankie said
I did it my way
I just wanna live while I'm alive
It's my life

This is for the ones who stood their ground
For Tommy and Gina who never backed down
Tomorrow's getting harder make no mistake
Luck ain't even lucky
Got to make your own break

It's my life
And it's now or never
I ain't gonna live forever
I just want to live while I'm alive
(It's my life)
My heart is like an open highway
Like Frankie said
I did it my way
I just want to live while I'm alive
'Cause it's my life

Better stand tall when they're calling you out
Don't bend, don't break, baby, don't back down

It's my life
And it's now or never
'Cause I ain't gonna live forever
I just want to live while I'm alive
(It's my life)
My heart is like an open highway
Like Frankie said
I did it my way
I just want to live while I'm alive

It's my life
And it's now or never
'Cause I ain't gonna live forever
I just want to live while I'm alive
(It's my life)
My heart is like an open highway
Like Frankie said
I did it my way
I just want to live while I'm alive
'Cause it's my life!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Yes I did it, pass all my 3 line checks, with little drama, but more about it next time. Now so tired need to relax, clean my flat and tomorrow back to work.


Tuesday, September 11, 2007


14.,15.,16. SEPTEMBER 2007

Monday, September 10, 2007

12 September 2007

Seems like it was yesterday when I saw your face
You told me how proud you were but I walked away
If only I knew what I know today
I would hold you in my arms
I would take the pain away
Thank you for all you've done
Forgive all your mistakes
There's nothing I wouldn't do
To hear your voice again
Sometimes I want to call you but I know you won't be there
I'm sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself by hurting you
Some days I feel broke inside but I won't admit
Sometimes I just want to hide 'cause it's you I miss
You know it's so hard to say goodbye when it comes to this
Would you tell me I was wrong?
Would you help me understand?
Are you looking down upon me?
Are you proud of who I am?
There's nothing I wouldn't do
To have just one more chance
To look into your eyes and see you looking back
I'm sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself
If I had just one more day, I would tell you how much that
I've missed you since you've been away
Oh, it's dangerous
It's so out of line to try to turn back time
I'm sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself
By hurting you

Friday, September 07, 2007

PASS 2/4


well I did it, pass second part of this long month of work, traning. 3 test, 2 100% and 1 99% so very happy about it. Now 2 days of traning flights, and all are happy STN flights. So will write more on my days off on Sunday. Till then take care.


Friday, August 31, 2007


Great I did pass, now 3x training flights and 3x line checks so if Im lucky I will be done by 16. September, so I will let you all know then how I did.


Bezva, tak jsem to složila, teď 3x zkušební lety a 3x zkouškové lety, tak když mi bude přát štěstí tak mám vše zasebou 16. září, takže Vám všem dám vědět jak se daří.


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

28.8.2007 evening/vecer

Tomorrow off to Girona, Wednesday relaxing day in Barcelona, Thursday hard day at the training room with test. Pictures later.


Zitra odlet do Girony, streda pohodovy den v barcelone, ctvrtek tezky den v ucebne s testem v ruce. Obrazky poslu priste.


Friday, August 24, 2007

Latest news from Bremen

Well again day off, very worm here but think will be raining soon. Went to sign Ryanair contract from 1.9.2007. So happy for that. And getting ready for my trip to Girona and for weekend party in Cambrige. Can't wait for weekend off. And then will be busy, busy September. I have my training flights and my line checks till 16.9. Busy September like last year. Will it ever stop???

So for now ciao, will send you some pics after my busy end of August.


A zase tu mame dny volna, je tu teplo, ale myslim, ze vecer bude prset. Dnes jsem byla podepsat Ryanair smlouvu od 1.9.2007. Tak jsem rada. A pripravuji se do Girony a na vikennd plane party v Cambrige. Nemohu se dockat. A pak prijde busy,busy zari. Mam svoje treningove lety a line checks do 16.9. Busy´zari jako minuly rok. Kdy tomu bude konec???????????

Tak pro ted ahoj, poslu nejake fotky az se vratim po narocnem konci srpna.


Monday, August 20, 2007

Ahoy ship ahoy after long time.....

Or should I say as one of our FO „And ladies and gentlamen, is time to fly” :-) Well what ever I just would like to say to you all hello, it has been a long time. Hope you are all well, had a very nice holidays and now you are back to work fresh and you will after my few news write long e.mails about where have you been and what did you do or didn't do.:-)

As most of you know, I didn't get any summer holiday this year, so Im still waiting for my holiday, but I had my sister, mom and Marek with Dora visiting me here. My sis with kids stay just 3 days, but my mo stayed here for 3 weeks. I had to work, but I think she enjoyed looking after me again. They all like Bremen (even Lenka was taking them everywhere by food, so haevy training on walking technik was in place) :-) they all are life and back in Czech. Well during the 3 weeks my flat got so tidy, I think I put few kilos ( but you don't have to worry they are now gone and even I think I lost again some kilos :-) ) On days off we went to town, but only when the wheather let us. As my sis said: „Bremen is a tolilet of the world”, it was raining here all the time and when i was working it was nice. But we had nice time and mom went home ok. They all missed her at home.

Well and me Im back at work. Getting ready for my CSS (No.1) training and CRMS training. Well Im so lucky that both trainings will be in Girona and for the CSS training we (me and Marcelina) have one day free so Barcelona here we come!!!!

Oh ,by the way if you are anybody planning to see me here in Bremen, sorry want be here from 29.8. till 6.9. so please choose different time to visit me.

And what else new? Well still single, now with eyes red, some nasty infection jump in to my eyes so I had to see a doctor today, but still happy flying. Learning and learning new Ryanair manual like one year ago. Pax are the same. Well will have to go now, hope soon will have the net and my flat will be for 100% so you are all welcome as a said many time. Sorry but I will try to keep spending more time now travelling during my holiday, so there will be no time to visit you all the time. So feel free to visit any time even if Im working, I don't work 24h!!!!!!!!!

So all off you take care and speak soon ......


nebo bych radsi mela rici jako jeden z nasich FO "Damy a panove , je cas vzletnout" :-) Ale to je jedno, ja bych chtela vsem rici Ahoj po dlouhe dobe. Doufam, ze jste vsichni v poradku, ze jste si uzili dovolenou a ted jste vsichni cerstvi zpet a budete mi o vsem povidat v sahodlohych e.mailech co jste delali a nedelali. :-)

Jak vetsina asi vite, ja jsem nedostala moji letni dovolenou a tak stale cekam na svoji dovolenou, ale mela jsem tu behem leta navstevu. Segra, mamka a Dora s Markem dorazili na kontrolu.Alena a deti zustali pouze na 3 dny, ale mamka tu zustala na 3 tydny.Chodila jsem do prace, ale myslim i pres to si to mamka uzila a zase se o me mohla starat. Vsem se tu libilo (i presto, ze jsme vsude chodili pesky, tezky trening na chuzy byl nastolen :-) Ale vsichni to prezili a jsou zdravy zpet v CZ. Behem 3 tydnu muj byt perfektne uklizeny a dokonce si myslim, ze jsem par kilo pribrala, ale nemusite se obavat, uz jsem je zase schodila. Ve dnech volna jsme sli do mesta, ale pouze kdyz nam to pocasi dovolilo. Alena prohlasila, ze Bremy jsou nocnik sveta, protoze tu porad prsi. :-) Ale jinak jsme si to uzili a mamka odjela domu vporadku. Vsem uz doma chybela.

No a ja jsem zpet v praci. Pripravuji se na CSS (No1.) skoleni a pak na CRMS skoleni (rocni). Stesti mi preje a oboje dvoje skoleni bude v Girone a na CSS skoleni mame my( ja a Marcelina) jeden den volna a tak Barcelona uz jedeme!!!!!! Ah, mimochodem, pokud nekdo planujete svoji navstevu tady u me, moc se omlouvam, ale od 29.8. do 6.9. to nejsem a tak prosim vyberte jiny datum. A co dal? Stale svobodna, nyni s cervenyma ocima, nejaka hnusna infekce se mi dostala kolem oci. Musela jsem navstivit lekarskou pomoc, ale stale letam. Studuji a studuji novy Ryanair manual jako pred rokem. Pax jsou stale stejni. Ale pro ted uz budu muset jim, doufam, ze brzo budu mit zase net a muj byt bude 100% hotov. Vsichni jste vitani kdykoliv, od ted budu vice casu travit cestovanim o sve dovolene , takze nebude moc casu na navstevy. Takze prijedte kdykoliv chcete i presto, kdyz pracuji, nelitam 24h!!!!!!!!! Tak se vsichni opatrujte .


Saturday, August 04, 2007

Hi .....

Hi everybody,

doing well but very, very busy. Well I manage to pass my Annual line check on 25.7.2007. Now I am waiting to go for No1 training. Should be round 30.8.2007 but with Ryanair you never know. Hope that soon will have net again at home, so I will be able to write more. For now I am ok, having my mum for 3 weeks here.

So will write soon more.


Ahoj vsichni,

mam se velice dobre, ale spousta prace. Podarilo se mi slozit rocni zkousky 25.7.2007. Nyni je cekam na skoleni No1, ktere by melo byt kolem 30.8.2007, ale s Ryanair nikdy nevite. Snad uz brzy budu mit net zase doma, takze napisu vice. Pro ted se mam dobre, mamka me prijela navstivit na 3tydny.

Tak napisu velice brzo.


Monday, June 04, 2007



Thank you as well for all the cards, presents , flowers and balloons.


Take dekuji velice za prani, darky, kvetiny a balonky.


Sunday, May 27, 2007

I Believe In You (Je Crois En Toi)

The path you have chosen
A restless road
No turning back
One day you
Will find your light again
Don't you know
Don't let go
Be strong

Follow you heart
Let you love lead through the darkness
Back to a place you once knew
I believe, I believe, I believe
In you

Follow your dreams
Be yourself, an angel of kindness
There's nothing that you can not do
I believe, I believe, I believe
In you.

Tout seul
Tu t'en iras tout seul
Coeur ouvert
A L'univers
Poursuis ta quete
Sans regarder derriere
N'attends pas
Que le jour
Se leve

Suis ton etoile
Va jusqu'ou ton reve t'emporte
Un jour tu le toucheras
Si tu crois si tu crois si tu crois
En toi
Suis la lumiere
N'eteins pas la flamme que tu portes
Au fonds de toi souviens-toi
Que je crois que je crois que je crois
Que je crois
En toi

Someday I'll find you
Someday you'll find me too
And when I hold you close
I'll know that is true

Follow your heart
Let you love lead through the darkness
Back to a place you once knew
I believe, I believe, I believe in you

Follow your dreams
Be yourself, an angel of kindness
There's nothing that you can not do
I believe, I believe, I believe
In you.

Friday, May 25, 2007


When I look into your eyes
I can see a love restrained
But darlin' when I hold you
Don't you know I feel the same

'Cause nothin' lasts forever
And we both know hearts can change
And it's hard to hold a candle
In the cold November rain

We've been through this such a long long time
Just tryin' to kill the pain

But lovers always come and lovers always go
An no one's really sure who's lettin' go today
Walking away

If we could take the time
to lay it on the line
I could rest my head
Just knowin' that you were mine
All mine
So if you want to love me
then darlin' don't refrain
Or I'll just end up walkin'
In the cold November rain

Do you need some time...on your own
Do you need some time...all alone
Everybody needs some time...
on their own
Don't you know you need some time...all alone

I know it's hard to keep an open heart
When even friends seem out to harm you
But if you could heal a broken heart
Wouldn't time be out to charm you

Sometimes I need some time...on my
Sometimes I need some time...all alone
Everybody needs some time...
on their own
Don't you know you need some time...all alone

And when your fears subside
And shadows still remain
I know that you can love me
When there's no one left to blame
So never mind the darkness
We still can find a way
'Cause nothin' lasts forever
Even cold November rain

Don't ya think that you need somebody
Don't ya think that you need someone
Everybody needs somebody
You're not the only one
You're not the only one

Sunday, May 20, 2007

28.5.2007 can you believe it ??? :-)

May 28 is the 148th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (149th in leap years). There are 217 days remaining.

28. květen je 148. den roku podle gregoriánského kalendáře (149. v přestupném roce). Do konce roku zbývá 217 dní. Svatek ma Vilem.

Der 28. Mai ist der 148. Tag des Gregor
ianischen Kalenders (der 149. in Schaltjahren), somit verbleiben noch 217 Tage bis zum Jahresende.

Le 28 mai est le 148e jour de l'année (149e en cas d'année bissextile) du calendrier grégorien.
28 мая — 148-й день года (149-й в високосные годы) в григорианском календаре. До конца года остаётся 217 дней.

28. máj je 148. deň roka v gregoriánskom kalendári (149. v prestupnom roku). Do konca roka zostáva 217 dní. Meniny má Viliam.

28 maja jest 148. (w latach przestępnych 149.) dniem w kalendarzu gregoriańskim. Do końca roku pozostaje 217 dni. Słońce w tym dniu znajduje się w zodiakalnym gwiazdozbiorze Bliźniąt.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

2 weeks hard work!

Well hello again everyone,

how are things? Second week intensive wok in Bremen and my stay here is getting better and better.
I know already date of my move to my new flat, so from next Friday 27.4. you all can visit me any time. What you need to do? Just call that you are coming, tell me when and I will be waiting. Right now I would love to know, who will visit me first????????????????? :-) I should put some bubbly in frige so you know what is except me waiting for you!:-)

And otherwise, Lenky is working very hard here in Bremen. Every day flying and looks like will be flying till the middle of May every day without any stand-by . So I have to say pls do not expect me any soon coming to visit you. Sorry, but right now is the time to work.
Work is getting every day interesting. Like yesterday. I was flying first to Stansted. From Stansted we had only 37 pax :-) and after we where doing Riga flight. So as a no.2 I did the boarding. I had no problems. After I went to the aircraft, the dispatcher got on board and told us that we have to disembark all the pax from the aircraft by 3 rows and they have to identified there bags, because they have in hold one more bag and for security reason we have to search who's bag is it. So they where not happy and we where not happy as well. But in the end we found it. So we took off to Riga 1h late. My last day was very exiting again. Hey but life must have some change every day, otherwise is very boring. Don't you think so?:-)

Last week in Bremen was so great. The weather was brilliant, sun and hot. Hmmmm, don't you just love it? Everyday after work I was out in town, visiting friends and colleagues. We want for walk, sit by the river and we had beer and talk. Super, I love it so much. You must come and try it as well.

Still have no pictures from Bremen, but I will try to get some. So take care, hope I will hear from you all how are you and what is new. But the best thing will be, that I will welcome you here in my flat.


Ahoj vsichni tak jsem tu zase, a jak se vsichni mate? Tak konec druheho tydne zivota v Bremen a kazdy den je lepsi a lepsi. Konecne vim datum kdy se budu stehovat do renovovaneho bytu, tak to bude pristi patek 27.4.. Takze od pristiho ctvrtka me vsichni muzete kdykoliv navstivit.Co pro to musite udelat? Jen zavolejte, kdy dorazite a ja budu cekat. Zrovna ted se mi honi v hlave kdo me z Vas navstivi prvni???????????????:-) Asi bych mela dat do lednice chladit nejake rychle spunty, aby jste vedeli co na Vas krome me ceka!:-) Jinak Lenky pracuje tvrde zde v Bremen. Kazdy den litam a vypada to, ze budu hodne pracovat nejmene az do poloviny kvetna, kazdy den bez jedineho stand-by . Takze preden informuji, abych jste me neocekavali v nejblizsi dobe na navsteve. Omluva, ale prave ted je cas prace. Prace je kazdy den necim zajimava. Jako napriklad vcera.Letela jsem na Stansted. Ze Stansted jsme meli pouze 37 pasazeru:-) a pak jsme delali Riga let. Takze jako no.2 jsem delala boarding. Pri tom jsem nemela zadne problemy. Kdyz jsem dorazila do letadla, dispatcher prisel zanama a rekl nam, ze museji vsichni pasazeri vystoupit z letadla a identifikovat svoje kufry, protoze maji jeden kufr navic a nemaji k tomu pasazera. Takze jsme informovali pasazery a vzdy po 3 radach vsichni vysli z letadla a identikovali svoje kufry. Nikdo se na to netvaril moc nadsene, ani my, ale hold se nedalo nic delat. Nakonec se vse naslo a vyjasnilo a my jsme mohli odletet smer Riga, ale s hodinovym spozdenim. Muj posledni den ranni smeny byl opet vzrusujici, ale zivot musi byt kazdy den nejakou zmenu, jinak bude nudny. Nemyslite?:-) Tento posledni tyden tady byl perfektni. Pocasi se vzdarilo, slunicko svitilo a bylo krasne teplo. Hmmmm, mylujete takovedle pocasi? Kazdy den po praci jsem vyrazila do mesta, navstivit pratele, kolegy. Prochazeli jsme se, posedeli jsme vedle reky a v kavarnickach jsme si davali pivecko a prohodili par slov. Super, miluji to tu. Musite dorazit a vyzkouset si tu atmosferu take. Stale se mi nepodarilo vyfotit nic z Bremen, al budu se snazit neco brzo vzfotit. Tak se vsichni optatrujte a douam,ze od Vas co nejdrive uslysim co je noveho. A jeste lepe, ze Vas uvitam u sebe co nejdrive. Lenky

Monday, April 09, 2007


Happy Easter to you all!

I am sorry that I didn't send any Easter postcards or even E-cards. Well my move was so busy, that for this year there is no time to have any Easter. The new tradition for me is stay in bed all Monday and not even answer the phone.:-)Maybe I will have nice lunch or dinner and walk in Bremen. Nobody can not expect anything else from me this year!

Big wish for next week is to move to my new flat. So I will keep you posted on this one. Work here is fine, must say working every day, so in one point I am happy but getting tired as well. Looking forward my days off, so I can visit town and my colleagues. Exploring local connections in town every day from work. Hope on my 3 days off I will explore them more on the other side. To work I have been walking. Who ever said I can't walk to work – to the airport here in Bremen is crazy. Well yes I can and I will. Especially when is nice and sunny.

And what else in my life? As you all notice from pictures I change my color of hair and please as you all know me it is not because of a new boyfriend or anyone else. I just felt like it and I did it and I love it. Must say I would love to change it again, it has been more than 3 weeks :-))) But I have to take it easy.

Someone asked me how are men in my life. Well as I noticed there are all fine, alive and well, still round me. Nothing new at the moment, “happy single free” again must say. Any change, will let you all know as soon as possible.:-)))


As I said I did and stayed till 3pm in bed. Thank you all for all yours wishes and messages. The whether today is not the great so I relax at home, checking my e.mail, watching “Lord of the ring” and one of the best Czech comedy ever “S tebou me bavi svet”.

One big thing what happened yesterday on my flight to Oslo-Torp, well when we arrive it was snowing and round 5 cm of snow. So instead of wishing to pax happy easter we wished Marry Christmas.:-)))I took 3 pictures but with my mobile phone.:-((So you have to come and see it.:-)

I hope you all had a nice and relaxing Easter as me and now you are thinking and getting ready for summer holiday. Because me I am thinking only about this.:-)))
Take care all off you and soon more news from me and hope this time with some pictures as well.

Vesele Velikonoce vsem!!!!

Omlouvam se, ze jsem neposlala zadne Velikonocni prani ani E-karty. Moje stohovani bylo tak narocne,ze jsem tento rok nemela zadny cas na Velikonoce. Nova tradice letos bude zustat v posteli cele pondeli a neodpovidat ani na telefon:-) Mozna budu mit dobry obed, ci veceri a krasnou prochazku v okoli. Nikdo odemne nemuze ocekavat nic vic, nez relaxovani letosni Velikonoce!

Velke prani pro tento tyden je se odstehovat do noveho bytu a tak jak vse bude pokracovat Vam napisu priste. Prace tady je dobra,musim rici, ze pracuji kazdy den a jeste asi dlouho budu. Coz je na jednu stranu dobre, ale take hodne vycerpavajici. Kazdy den se vice a vice tasim na sve volno, abych mohla navstivit kolegy a neco spolecne podniknout. Kazdy den zkoumam mestskou dopravu z prace. Doufam, ze o svych trech dnech volna ji prozkoumam take z jine nez z pracovni stranky. Do prace jsem poslednich 6 dnu chodila. Nekdo mi jednou rekl, nez jsem se prijela, ze nemuzu chodit pesky do prace, kdo mi to rekl byl blazinek, protoze ja muzu a budu chodit pesky na Bremen letiste. A obzvlaste kdyz je krasne a slunecno.

A co noveho v mem zivote? Mozna jste zjistili z fotek,ze jsem si zase po nejake dobe zmenila barvu vlasu a jak me vetsina znate,neni to ze bych mela noveho pritele,ale proste ze jsem citila zmenu a zmena barvy vlasu je to nejjednoduzsi. Musim rici, ze uz bych ji opet rada zmenila,protoze je to vice jak 3 tydny :-))) Ale musim to brat pomalu,aby to mi kolegove prezili. :-)))

Nekdo se me ptal jak je to s muzskym pohlavim v mem zivote. No jak jsem posledne kontrolovala, vsichni jsou v poradku, ziji a maji se dobre. Nic noveho v tuto chvili, “happy single free” znova. Pokud se neco zmeni dam Vam vsem vedet co nejdrive.:-))


Jak jsem tekla, tak jsem udelala, zustala jsem v podteli do treti hodiny odpoledne. Dekuji vsem za Vase prani a vzkazy.Dneska nam pocasi nejak nepreje, ale pro relaxovani doma to staci, zkontrolovala jsem e.mail, zkoukla “Pana prstenu” a jednu z nejlepsich ceskych komedii “S tebou me bavi svet”.

Jedna perlicka se stala vcera na nasem letu Oslo-Torp, kdyz jsme pristali tak tam snezilo a bylo kolem 5 cm snehu a tak jsme misto Vesele Velikonoce, poprali pasazerum Vesele Vanoce.:-)) Udelala jsem 3 fotky svym mobile, tak jestli to chcete videt, musite dorazit se podivat.:-)))

Doufam,ze jste vsichni meli prijemne a odpocinkove Velikonoce. A ted se vsichni pripravujete a tesite na letni dovolenou. Protoze ja uz o ni premyslim.:-)))

Tak se vsichni opatrujte a brzo se budu snazit napsat dalsi zpravy i s nejakyma fotkama.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

As I promised

Hi everyone,

as I promised yesterday that I will let you know about my adventure to Bremen. Well as always my packing was fun.
You all know how I get stressed and nervous, so I did again. In last minutes I had to go buy a big bag (thank you to Susi, she took me to the airport to get it) so I can fit everything,but I had to leave some staff in Sohren anyway.:-(

On Friday night I went to bed at 11pm and at 3am I had to get up, but again me I enjoy bed so much so I got up at 3.45am. Got ready, went last time round the flat and went to the airport. Weronika took me with her new best friend (Honda Civic :-) ) She drop me in front of airport and went to park car. Me I went to check in, well as always in Hahn check-in they always look at my passport and they think I need visa, so that was first fun. Weronika got back and we could go through the security, for the last time I went as a employee. :-( In the coffee shop I said last time goodbye to Weronika,Susi, Tomas etc. And as a pax went to wait for my plain. But it would not be fun, if the pass controls didn't have fun over my passport picture :-))) Flight went quickly, as always to London Stansted. I pick up my bags and went to sit down to the waiting area for my next flight and for Martina. She was so nice, that she got down from Cambridge to wait with me. Well we had fun as always. Eating, drinking and talking like the old days in Luxembourg. Well then was time for me to go check in and for Martina to go back to Cambridge. So we said goodbye and went out ways. And it can't be me to have some problems. Well after security, the police stop me and was checking my passport and asking me questions. As one of them said they are general questions (and again they had fun over my picture :-)))

So I took off round 3.45pm UK time to Bremen. The crew was from Stansted and some off the staff was different, but I was so tired that after take off I went to sleep. We landed 5.40pm Bremen time. In the baggage area was fun again, the belt where the bags comes wasn't working, it took them 20 min. There where no trolleys for bags, so I had to asked one person to help me. :-))

I was meeting my new landlord, he was picking me up. It took us some time, but we did manage. And thank you all of youwho I asked to call me and check on me just in case. THANK YOU SO MUCH. We after we want to see my future new flat, which is now in renovation, but I hope at eater I can move in. And I had to decide where I would like to stay when it will be ready. In Ralph's girlfriends flat or in his house. Well I took the flat, because is close to the airport, it's like next to the airport and next to the round I will be living. They have little girl, so even I am working now I feel like au-pair again. They are looking after me, cooking for me and time to time I play with little girl. Maybe children I my destiny (but not my, just the other children).

Well Sunday we had duck for lunch, so good. Like at home. And in the afternoon I went to the airport, check the crew room and see how and where do I get the trump and bus. Monday, I had nice shopping day, and I open my new bank account. On Tuesday I had to start working. Since today I did 2 days. First was Malaga back, yesterday it was Murcia and today it will be Malaga again. And after 3 days in row Oslo-Torp / London Stansted jupiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Flying a lot with my colleagues from Hahn, but already met few new people. And for the 3rd time I am going to fly with the same first officer. He was born here in Bremen and just started working for Ryanair, so good luck to him.:-)

Other wise the weather is nice here. And I hope it will stay. I am happy, glad I move. Just need my new flat and I will be happiest person in the world. So I hope soon you will visit me. I will have a big bed and sofa. So please just come.

Zdravim vsechny,

tak ja jsem vcera slibila, tak dneska Vam napisu jake jsem mela dobrodruzstvi pri stehovani sem do Bremen. Jako vzdy me baleni byla sranda a velky zazitek.
Jak me vscihni znate byla jsem ve stresu a nervozni. Na posledni chvili jsem musela koupit velkou cestovni kabelu (diky Susi, ktera me odvezla na letiste ji koupit) takze jsem vsechno potrebne mohla si vzit sebou, ale stejne jsem nejake veci musela nechat stejne v Sohren:-(((

V patek v noci jsem sla spat az kolem 23h a vstavat jsem mela ve 3am, ale zase ja, ktera miluje postel strasne moc, jsem vstala az ve 3.45.pripravila jsem se, naposledy jsem se prosla po byte a vyrazila jsem na letiste. Weronika me odvezla se svym novym nejlepsim pritelem (Honda Civic :-) ) Vysadila me pred letistem a jela zaparkovat. Ja, ja jsem sla k check in a jeko vzdy v Hahn u check in, oni maji vzdy problem s mym pasem jestli nepotrebuji visa.:-(((, tak to byl prvni perlicka. Weronika prisla zpet a my jsme mohli jit pres security a pro me to bylo jako zamestnanec naposledy.:-( Za security v obchudku s kavou jsem se naposledy rozloucila Weronikou,Susi, Tomasem atd.. A jako pasazer jsem sla cekat na letadlo. Ale to by nebyla zadna sranda, kdyby pri pasove kontrole nemeli panove srandu z meho fota :-))) Let byl rychly jako vzdy do London Stansted. Vyzvedla jsem si sve veci a sla jsem si sednout a cekat na Martinu a dalsi let. Martina byla tak hodna, ze prijela dolu z Cambridge, aby se mnou cekala na letisti. Hmm, byla to sranda jako vzdy. Jedlo se, pilo se a povidalo jako za starych casu v Lucembursku.
Pak ale nastal cas pro me jit znova na check in a pro Martinu jet zpet do Cambridge. Tak jsme se rozloucili a sli jsme svyma cestama.
A to bych opet nebyla ja, kdybych nemela nejake problemy. A opet po security, policie me zastavila a kontrolovala muj pas a ptala se me na spoustu otazek.A jeden z nich mi rikal, ze to jsou normalni kazdodenni otazky(a opet meli srandu okolo meho fota v pase :-)))

Odletala jse kolem 15.45 UK cas do Bremen. Crew bylo ze Stanstedu a nektere veci delali jinak,ale ja jsem byla tak unavena,ze po vzletnuti jsem hned usnula a probudila jsem se az pri pristani v Bremen kolem 17.40 Bremen cas. Kdyz jsem cekala na kufry, tak byla take sranda, protoze jim nefungoval pas na kterem vsechny meli dorazit, tak to jim trvalo 20minut. Nemeli tak voziky na kufry a tak jsem si musela rici o pomoc jednoho zamestnance :-))

Mela jsem se sejit s novym domacim, ktery me vyzvedaval. No trvalo nam to nejakou chvilku, ale nakonec jsme se sesli.A dekuji Vam vsem, kterym jsem si rekla aby mi zavolali, kdyby nahodou neco. DEKUJI VELICE. Nejdrive jsme se jeli podivat na muj budouci byt,ktery se ted intenzivne renovuje,ale doufam, ze na velikonoce se budu moci odstehovat. A ten vecer jsem se musela rozhodnout jstli budu ten kratky cas bydlet.Mela jsem na vyber bud byt Ralphovi pritelkyne nebo jeho barak. Tak jsem se rozhodla pro byt, protoze ten je blizko letiste a take je vedle ulice ve ktere budu bydlet.Maji malou holcicku, takze i presto ze pracuji, porad se citim jako au-pair.Staraji se o me, vari mi a ja si cas od casu pohraji s malou. Mozna jsou mi ty deti souzene (ale ne moje, ale jen deti okolo)

V nedeli jsme meli kacenu k obedu, bylo to jako doma. Odpoledne jsem se sla projit na letiste, zkontrolovat nas novy crew room a zkontrolovat odkud jezdi trump a autobus. V pondeli jsem mela krasny nakupovaci den a vyrazila jsem do banky otervrit novy ucet.V utery jsem musela zacit pracovat a do dneska jsem letala dva dny. Prvni byl Malaga a zpet a vcera to byla Murcia a zpet a dnes letim Malaga a zpet. A me posledni 3 dny budou v rade Oslo-Torp / London Stansted jupiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Letam hodne s kolegy z Hahn, ale uz jsem se setkala s nekolika novyma kolegama. A potreti v rade poletim se stale jednim first officer. Je to rodak z Bremen, ktery prave zacal pracovat s Ryanair, hodne stesti:-)

Jinak pocasi je pekne, a doufam, ze tak i zustane. Jsem stasna a rada,ze jsem se prestehovala a nejstastnejsi budu az se prestehuji do noveho bytu. Tak doufam, ze me brzo navstivite, mam velkou poste a sedacku take. Tak prijedte.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Hello from Bremen

Hello everyone,

yes, this is a BIG HELLO FROM BREMEN. I have been here for over 4 days and it feels great. I still haven´t got my flat, but I hope I will be able to move there new week. And I must say I can´t wait. Well yesterday I had my first flight to Malaga and back and today I am off to Murcia. So I will post my adveture to Bremen tomorrow.

I am fine and happy.

Ahoj vsichni,

ano, toto je OBROVSKE AHOJ Z BREMEN. Jsem tu vice jak 4 dny a citim se bajecne. Stale nemam svuj novy byt,ale doufam, ze se budu moci stehovat pristi tyden. A musim rici, ze se nemohu dockat. No, vcera jsem mela svuj prvni let z Bremen. Malaga a zpet, dneska letim Murcia a zpet. Takze zitra vlozim popis sve cesty do Bremen.

Jsem v pohode a stasna.


Friday, March 30, 2007

LAST NIGHT IN SOHREN 30.3.2007 22:00

Hi everyone,

this is a last news from Sohren. In the morning I am off to Bremen. I have no idea when I will be on internet, but hope I will be there soon. Take care all off you. MISS YOU ALL!!!!! Lenkaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ahoj vsichni,

todle jsou posledni zpravy ze Sohren. Rano odletam do Bremen. Vubec nevim, kdy se opet ukazu na internetu, ale doufam ze to bude co nejdrive. CHYBITE MI VSICHNI!!!!! Lenkaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

More of the great party!!


This was a last party in Hahn. I don't have to write how great it was just check the pictures.

To byla posleni party v Hahn. Nemusim psat jak super byla, jen se podivejte na obrazky.


Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Bremen airport and our last destination

1. Bremen airport
2. Tampere airport
3. map of all Bremen destinations

Bremen and our destinations II

1. Oslo Torp airport
2. Malaga airport
3. Venice Treviso airport
4. Gerona airport
5. Verona airport

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Bremen and our destinations I

1. Riga airport

2. London Stansted airport

3. Murcia airport
4. Pisa airport

5. Dublin airport

LAST DAY !!!!!!!

27.3.2007 the last 2 flights from Frankfurt-Hahn airport

today I am flying to Gerona,Spain and back, my next flight will be from Bremen on the 3.4.2007 to Malaga, Spain.

27.3.2007 moje posledni dva lety z letiste Frankfurt-Hahn dnes letim Gerona, Spanelsko a zpet, muj dalsi let bude uz z Bremen 3.4.2007 a to Malaga,Spain.


Last week in HELL

Hi everyone,

why from hell? Well this past working week was like a nightmare and all off you trust me I never been so tired in my life like now. Well from my first day of work which was Thursday 22.3. I didn't get to bed early then 1am, and there where times I went even 2 – 2.30. You know all of you how I like to sleep but I am telling you this last ween in Hahn it is impossible. Straight from the Thursday we had snow here for 2 days, well planes where delay, when the snow was gone, we had another nature trick fog, that was on Saturday. Again delay and with my luck I was doing Pisa – Oslo Torp and we had delay as well because off plane problems, so captain decide to have aircraft change. So the only positive thing was that we had some time to go out off the airport and have one coffee in Pisa airport which is close to Pisa tower. So I had nearly chance to see it, but as I said my luck in no luck at all we had to go back and do another 3 flights. Lucky me :-)

As you all know I am moving to new base Bremen. Well I have already date when I am departing Frankfurt-Hahn airport, which is on the 31.3.2007. Flying first to Stansted and because my plane to Bremen is not early then 3pm I will have lots of free time in Stansted, so feel free to visit me there. Please don't ask me to come to you, as you know I am moving so even with help of Erik, I have already some staff in Bremen, I will have still lots off bags.:-((( I have a flat which will be renovated during my first month of stay in Bremen so I hope after that you all can come visit me, because I think I will live by myself and for sure I know all you living accommodations already. So you are all welcome to stay and as you all know my cooking skills are getting better and better, even I can bake something for you but only if you come visit.:-))

I was taking every day my camera to work to take some pictures, but the only chance I had in Malaga, but I hope that the weather will improve here before I go, so I will take so pictures of Frankfurt-Hahn airport. And on the 28.3. we have our Bremen leaving party so there will be some pictures for sure.

Zdravim vsechny,

a proc zrovna z pekla? No protoze tento posledni pracovni tyden byl jak nocni mura a verte mi, ze jsem tak unavena v zivote nebyla jako ted. Od prvniho pracovniho dne tohoto tydne, coz byl ctvrtek 22.3.jsem se nedostala do postele drive jak v jednu rano a to se nekdy stalo, ze jsem byla doma dokonce az ve 2 – 2.30 rano. Vsichni dobre vite jak rada spim, ale rikam Vam tento posledni pracovni tyden v Hahn bylo nemozny spat. Hned od ctvrtka jsme meli snih po 2 dny, vsechny letadla byla spozdena a kdyz snih byl pryc, tak byla strasna mlha v sobotu, tak opet spozdeni. A jeste s mym stestim v sobotu jsem delala Pisa – Oslo Torp a my jsme jeste prozmenu meli spozdeni z technickych duvodu na letadle a tak kapitan rozhodl,ze budeme menit letadlo na Pisa airport .Takze po 6 mesicich litani to byla ma prvni moznost mimo letiste z jedne strany, tak jsem se podivala na letiste z druhe a dokonce jsem ztihla se vsema i kavu blizko Pisa tower. Mela jsem skoro sanci tower videt, ale jak uz jsem rekla moje stesti neni moc genialni a tak jsme museli zpet do dalsiho letadla a pokracovat v dalsich trech letech. Dite stesteny jsem ja:-)

Jak jiste vsichni vite, stehuji se do nove base Bremen. Konecne vim svuj odjezd a to je odlet Frankfurt-Hahn airport 31.3.2007. Letim nejdrive na Stansted a protoze muj let do Bremen neni drive nez ve 15 hodi, budu mit spoustu volneho casu, tak pokud by jste me chteli videt, tak se tam zastavte. Prosim neproste me, abych Vas prisla navstivit, vite ze se stehuji a i pres pomoc Erika, ktery uz mi nejake veci odvezl,mam stale spoustu tasek a kufru:-((( Budu bydlet v byte, ktery bude renovovany behem meho prvniho mesice v Bremen,ale doufam ze az vse bude hotove, ze me konecne jednou nekdo navstivite. Abych rekla pravdu ja uz znam Vase bydleni vic nez moje a myslim, ze budu bydlet sama, tak jste vsichni vitani. Me kucharske umeni se stale vice a vice zlepsuje, dokonce Vam i neco upecu, pokud me vsak navstivite.:-))))

Kazdy den jsem si brala kameru do prace, abych si udelala nejake fotky,ale pouze se mi to podarilo kdyz jsem letela do Malagi, ale doufam ze pocasi se brzo umoudri nez odjedu a udelam par fotek tady okoli. 28.3. mame rozluckovou party nas vsech kdo odchazi do Bremen takze nejake fotky zase budou. sure.

Thursday, March 22, 2007