Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Last week in HELL

Hi everyone,

why from hell? Well this past working week was like a nightmare and all off you trust me I never been so tired in my life like now. Well from my first day of work which was Thursday 22.3. I didn't get to bed early then 1am, and there where times I went even 2 – 2.30. You know all of you how I like to sleep but I am telling you this last ween in Hahn it is impossible. Straight from the Thursday we had snow here for 2 days, well planes where delay, when the snow was gone, we had another nature trick fog, that was on Saturday. Again delay and with my luck I was doing Pisa – Oslo Torp and we had delay as well because off plane problems, so captain decide to have aircraft change. So the only positive thing was that we had some time to go out off the airport and have one coffee in Pisa airport which is close to Pisa tower. So I had nearly chance to see it, but as I said my luck in no luck at all we had to go back and do another 3 flights. Lucky me :-)

As you all know I am moving to new base Bremen. Well I have already date when I am departing Frankfurt-Hahn airport, which is on the 31.3.2007. Flying first to Stansted and because my plane to Bremen is not early then 3pm I will have lots of free time in Stansted, so feel free to visit me there. Please don't ask me to come to you, as you know I am moving so even with help of Erik, I have already some staff in Bremen, I will have still lots off bags.:-((( I have a flat which will be renovated during my first month of stay in Bremen so I hope after that you all can come visit me, because I think I will live by myself and for sure I know all you living accommodations already. So you are all welcome to stay and as you all know my cooking skills are getting better and better, even I can bake something for you but only if you come visit.:-))

I was taking every day my camera to work to take some pictures, but the only chance I had in Malaga, but I hope that the weather will improve here before I go, so I will take so pictures of Frankfurt-Hahn airport. And on the 28.3. we have our Bremen leaving party so there will be some pictures for sure.

Zdravim vsechny,

a proc zrovna z pekla? No protoze tento posledni pracovni tyden byl jak nocni mura a verte mi, ze jsem tak unavena v zivote nebyla jako ted. Od prvniho pracovniho dne tohoto tydne, coz byl ctvrtek 22.3.jsem se nedostala do postele drive jak v jednu rano a to se nekdy stalo, ze jsem byla doma dokonce az ve 2 – 2.30 rano. Vsichni dobre vite jak rada spim, ale rikam Vam tento posledni pracovni tyden v Hahn bylo nemozny spat. Hned od ctvrtka jsme meli snih po 2 dny, vsechny letadla byla spozdena a kdyz snih byl pryc, tak byla strasna mlha v sobotu, tak opet spozdeni. A jeste s mym stestim v sobotu jsem delala Pisa – Oslo Torp a my jsme jeste prozmenu meli spozdeni z technickych duvodu na letadle a tak kapitan rozhodl,ze budeme menit letadlo na Pisa airport .Takze po 6 mesicich litani to byla ma prvni moznost mimo letiste z jedne strany, tak jsem se podivala na letiste z druhe a dokonce jsem ztihla se vsema i kavu blizko Pisa tower. Mela jsem skoro sanci tower videt, ale jak uz jsem rekla moje stesti neni moc genialni a tak jsme museli zpet do dalsiho letadla a pokracovat v dalsich trech letech. Dite stesteny jsem ja:-)

Jak jiste vsichni vite, stehuji se do nove base Bremen. Konecne vim svuj odjezd a to je odlet Frankfurt-Hahn airport 31.3.2007. Letim nejdrive na Stansted a protoze muj let do Bremen neni drive nez ve 15 hodi, budu mit spoustu volneho casu, tak pokud by jste me chteli videt, tak se tam zastavte. Prosim neproste me, abych Vas prisla navstivit, vite ze se stehuji a i pres pomoc Erika, ktery uz mi nejake veci odvezl,mam stale spoustu tasek a kufru:-((( Budu bydlet v byte, ktery bude renovovany behem meho prvniho mesice v Bremen,ale doufam ze az vse bude hotove, ze me konecne jednou nekdo navstivite. Abych rekla pravdu ja uz znam Vase bydleni vic nez moje a myslim, ze budu bydlet sama, tak jste vsichni vitani. Me kucharske umeni se stale vice a vice zlepsuje, dokonce Vam i neco upecu, pokud me vsak navstivite.:-))))

Kazdy den jsem si brala kameru do prace, abych si udelala nejake fotky,ale pouze se mi to podarilo kdyz jsem letela do Malagi, ale doufam ze pocasi se brzo umoudri nez odjedu a udelam par fotek tady okoli. 28.3. mame rozluckovou party nas vsech kdo odchazi do Bremen takze nejake fotky zase budou. sure.

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