Saturday, September 09, 2006


4.9.2006 INITIAL TEST 88% PASS
20.9.2006 DEVERSION TEST ?????????

If I pass the last one I'm moving to Hahn-Germany.


Friday, August 18, 2006

How I got here and how was the first 3days

Great, everything is great. We got lost a bit on the way to the Brno airport, had 1h delay because of delay plane from London Stanstead. So I missed my plan in London. Had to wait till the end of the check-in point was closing, I was so nervers if they get me on the last plane to Dublin. They did. I got to bed round 12.30am in the morning. :-)

Staying with another girl from Poland and we are living with girl and she is a cabin crew as well but for BMI airline. Having fun, we had 9 guys on training, but too young.:-)

First day we where just filling papers, and more papers and getting our uniform fitt, hmmm nice blue.:-)

Last 2 days we had like informations trainings, like where do we fly, with what plane, why the tickets are so cheap and what to do with drunk guys!!!! :-oooooo
Made already my first PA of flight. It's fun so far.

Well this is it for now, soon there will be more news. On Monday we are starting more training. So I'll keep you all posted.

Perfektni, vsechno je v pohode. Na letiste do Brna, jsme se trochu ztratili, ale nakonec jsem tam byla vcas. Ale letadlo z Londyna bylo hodinu opozdene, takze jsem neztihla svuj let z Londyna do Dublinu. No a tak me v Londyne nechali cekat az do posledni minuty, kdy se zavira prepazka na check-in. Ale nakonec jsem letela, do postele jsem se dostala tak kolem 12.30 rano.:-)

Bydlim s jednou slecnou z Polska a bydlime u slecny, ktera je take letuska, ale pro BMI leteckou spolecnost. A tak pry nam pomuze kdyz si rekneme. Zatim je pohoda a sranda, mame 9 chlapu v kurzu, ale vsechno to jsou mladaci.:-)

Prvni den bylo jen vyplnovani papiru, dalsi vyplnovani papiru a mereni uniforem, krasnych hmmmmm skoro standard Johnson Controls :-))))) Modry

Posledni 2 dny jsme meli skoleni tako informacni o tom jak a kam se lita a s jakym typem letadla. Jak nakladat s opilimy pasazery atd. A take provcicovani prvnich vyzev pro pasazery. Tak srandy je tu dost.

Tak ja se budu loucit. Brzo se zase ozvu. Ted uz zacina jit do tuheho.

Lenky xxxxxxx

Thursday, August 17, 2006

First news

Hi everyone,

got to Dublin-Rush ok. I have been adopted by the polish people on course.:-)) Big news, I will be based in Hahn - Frankfurt. Great close to Czech, UK and Luxembourg. And I already have my uniform. Which is very nice. :-))))

More news after this week.

Ahoj vsichni,

tak jsem dorazila do Dublinu - Rush ok. Byla jsem adoptovana polskou komunitou na kurzu.:-)) Velka zprava, budu pracovat v Hahn - Frankfurt. Takze bude blizko do CZ, UK i Luxu. A uz mam svoji kraaaaaasnou uniformu.:-))))

Vice zprav po vikendu.

Bye Lenkyxxxxxx

Monday, August 14, 2006


14.8.2006 22:14 just finished packing and leaving tomorrow at 10am. I had very nice time her in Czech. Again lots of good parties. Well I will keep in touch and I hope you as well. Speak to you soon.

14.8.2006 22:14 ztrovna jsem dobalila a zítra rano v 10 h odjíždím. Bylo to tu hezké v čechách. Zase spousta super akcí. No budu udržovat kontakt a doufám, že vy také. Tak zase brzo.


LENKY xxxxxxxx

Monday, July 31, 2006

End and new beginning

CZ 2.8 till 15.8. U can reach me on my Czech mobile +420732183210
or on ICQ as Lenule (265850497)
or even u can call me on Skype lenule13
my e.mails r still the same

Dublin(Rush) 15.8. till ?????, u can reach me only on Czech mobile, but please just SMS. Thank u all. Or u can check this web if there r any news about me.
