Wednesday, April 18, 2007

2 weeks hard work!

Well hello again everyone,

how are things? Second week intensive wok in Bremen and my stay here is getting better and better.
I know already date of my move to my new flat, so from next Friday 27.4. you all can visit me any time. What you need to do? Just call that you are coming, tell me when and I will be waiting. Right now I would love to know, who will visit me first????????????????? :-) I should put some bubbly in frige so you know what is except me waiting for you!:-)

And otherwise, Lenky is working very hard here in Bremen. Every day flying and looks like will be flying till the middle of May every day without any stand-by . So I have to say pls do not expect me any soon coming to visit you. Sorry, but right now is the time to work.
Work is getting every day interesting. Like yesterday. I was flying first to Stansted. From Stansted we had only 37 pax :-) and after we where doing Riga flight. So as a no.2 I did the boarding. I had no problems. After I went to the aircraft, the dispatcher got on board and told us that we have to disembark all the pax from the aircraft by 3 rows and they have to identified there bags, because they have in hold one more bag and for security reason we have to search who's bag is it. So they where not happy and we where not happy as well. But in the end we found it. So we took off to Riga 1h late. My last day was very exiting again. Hey but life must have some change every day, otherwise is very boring. Don't you think so?:-)

Last week in Bremen was so great. The weather was brilliant, sun and hot. Hmmmm, don't you just love it? Everyday after work I was out in town, visiting friends and colleagues. We want for walk, sit by the river and we had beer and talk. Super, I love it so much. You must come and try it as well.

Still have no pictures from Bremen, but I will try to get some. So take care, hope I will hear from you all how are you and what is new. But the best thing will be, that I will welcome you here in my flat.


Ahoj vsichni tak jsem tu zase, a jak se vsichni mate? Tak konec druheho tydne zivota v Bremen a kazdy den je lepsi a lepsi. Konecne vim datum kdy se budu stehovat do renovovaneho bytu, tak to bude pristi patek 27.4.. Takze od pristiho ctvrtka me vsichni muzete kdykoliv navstivit.Co pro to musite udelat? Jen zavolejte, kdy dorazite a ja budu cekat. Zrovna ted se mi honi v hlave kdo me z Vas navstivi prvni???????????????:-) Asi bych mela dat do lednice chladit nejake rychle spunty, aby jste vedeli co na Vas krome me ceka!:-) Jinak Lenky pracuje tvrde zde v Bremen. Kazdy den litam a vypada to, ze budu hodne pracovat nejmene az do poloviny kvetna, kazdy den bez jedineho stand-by . Takze preden informuji, abych jste me neocekavali v nejblizsi dobe na navsteve. Omluva, ale prave ted je cas prace. Prace je kazdy den necim zajimava. Jako napriklad vcera.Letela jsem na Stansted. Ze Stansted jsme meli pouze 37 pasazeru:-) a pak jsme delali Riga let. Takze jako no.2 jsem delala boarding. Pri tom jsem nemela zadne problemy. Kdyz jsem dorazila do letadla, dispatcher prisel zanama a rekl nam, ze museji vsichni pasazeri vystoupit z letadla a identifikovat svoje kufry, protoze maji jeden kufr navic a nemaji k tomu pasazera. Takze jsme informovali pasazery a vzdy po 3 radach vsichni vysli z letadla a identikovali svoje kufry. Nikdo se na to netvaril moc nadsene, ani my, ale hold se nedalo nic delat. Nakonec se vse naslo a vyjasnilo a my jsme mohli odletet smer Riga, ale s hodinovym spozdenim. Muj posledni den ranni smeny byl opet vzrusujici, ale zivot musi byt kazdy den nejakou zmenu, jinak bude nudny. Nemyslite?:-) Tento posledni tyden tady byl perfektni. Pocasi se vzdarilo, slunicko svitilo a bylo krasne teplo. Hmmmm, mylujete takovedle pocasi? Kazdy den po praci jsem vyrazila do mesta, navstivit pratele, kolegy. Prochazeli jsme se, posedeli jsme vedle reky a v kavarnickach jsme si davali pivecko a prohodili par slov. Super, miluji to tu. Musite dorazit a vyzkouset si tu atmosferu take. Stale se mi nepodarilo vyfotit nic z Bremen, al budu se snazit neco brzo vzfotit. Tak se vsichni optatrujte a douam,ze od Vas co nejdrive uslysim co je noveho. A jeste lepe, ze Vas uvitam u sebe co nejdrive. Lenky

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