Monday, August 20, 2007

Ahoy ship ahoy after long time.....

Or should I say as one of our FO „And ladies and gentlamen, is time to fly” :-) Well what ever I just would like to say to you all hello, it has been a long time. Hope you are all well, had a very nice holidays and now you are back to work fresh and you will after my few news write long e.mails about where have you been and what did you do or didn't do.:-)

As most of you know, I didn't get any summer holiday this year, so Im still waiting for my holiday, but I had my sister, mom and Marek with Dora visiting me here. My sis with kids stay just 3 days, but my mo stayed here for 3 weeks. I had to work, but I think she enjoyed looking after me again. They all like Bremen (even Lenka was taking them everywhere by food, so haevy training on walking technik was in place) :-) they all are life and back in Czech. Well during the 3 weeks my flat got so tidy, I think I put few kilos ( but you don't have to worry they are now gone and even I think I lost again some kilos :-) ) On days off we went to town, but only when the wheather let us. As my sis said: „Bremen is a tolilet of the world”, it was raining here all the time and when i was working it was nice. But we had nice time and mom went home ok. They all missed her at home.

Well and me Im back at work. Getting ready for my CSS (No.1) training and CRMS training. Well Im so lucky that both trainings will be in Girona and for the CSS training we (me and Marcelina) have one day free so Barcelona here we come!!!!

Oh ,by the way if you are anybody planning to see me here in Bremen, sorry want be here from 29.8. till 6.9. so please choose different time to visit me.

And what else new? Well still single, now with eyes red, some nasty infection jump in to my eyes so I had to see a doctor today, but still happy flying. Learning and learning new Ryanair manual like one year ago. Pax are the same. Well will have to go now, hope soon will have the net and my flat will be for 100% so you are all welcome as a said many time. Sorry but I will try to keep spending more time now travelling during my holiday, so there will be no time to visit you all the time. So feel free to visit any time even if Im working, I don't work 24h!!!!!!!!!

So all off you take care and speak soon ......


nebo bych radsi mela rici jako jeden z nasich FO "Damy a panove , je cas vzletnout" :-) Ale to je jedno, ja bych chtela vsem rici Ahoj po dlouhe dobe. Doufam, ze jste vsichni v poradku, ze jste si uzili dovolenou a ted jste vsichni cerstvi zpet a budete mi o vsem povidat v sahodlohych e.mailech co jste delali a nedelali. :-)

Jak vetsina asi vite, ja jsem nedostala moji letni dovolenou a tak stale cekam na svoji dovolenou, ale mela jsem tu behem leta navstevu. Segra, mamka a Dora s Markem dorazili na kontrolu.Alena a deti zustali pouze na 3 dny, ale mamka tu zustala na 3 tydny.Chodila jsem do prace, ale myslim i pres to si to mamka uzila a zase se o me mohla starat. Vsem se tu libilo (i presto, ze jsme vsude chodili pesky, tezky trening na chuzy byl nastolen :-) Ale vsichni to prezili a jsou zdravy zpet v CZ. Behem 3 tydnu muj byt perfektne uklizeny a dokonce si myslim, ze jsem par kilo pribrala, ale nemusite se obavat, uz jsem je zase schodila. Ve dnech volna jsme sli do mesta, ale pouze kdyz nam to pocasi dovolilo. Alena prohlasila, ze Bremy jsou nocnik sveta, protoze tu porad prsi. :-) Ale jinak jsme si to uzili a mamka odjela domu vporadku. Vsem uz doma chybela.

No a ja jsem zpet v praci. Pripravuji se na CSS (No1.) skoleni a pak na CRMS skoleni (rocni). Stesti mi preje a oboje dvoje skoleni bude v Girone a na CSS skoleni mame my( ja a Marcelina) jeden den volna a tak Barcelona uz jedeme!!!!!! Ah, mimochodem, pokud nekdo planujete svoji navstevu tady u me, moc se omlouvam, ale od 29.8. do 6.9. to nejsem a tak prosim vyberte jiny datum. A co dal? Stale svobodna, nyni s cervenyma ocima, nejaka hnusna infekce se mi dostala kolem oci. Musela jsem navstivit lekarskou pomoc, ale stale letam. Studuji a studuji novy Ryanair manual jako pred rokem. Pax jsou stale stejni. Ale pro ted uz budu muset jim, doufam, ze brzo budu mit zase net a muj byt bude 100% hotov. Vsichni jste vitani kdykoliv, od ted budu vice casu travit cestovanim o sve dovolene , takze nebude moc casu na navstevy. Takze prijedte kdykoliv chcete i presto, kdyz pracuji, nelitam 24h!!!!!!!!! Tak se vsichni opatrujte .


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