Monday, December 31, 2007


No more champagne
And the fireworks are through
Here we are, me and you
Feeling lost and feeling blue
It’s the end of the party
And the morning seems so grey
So unlike yesterday
Now’s the time for us to say...

Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have a vision now and then
Of a world where every neighbour is a friend
Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have our hopes, our will to try
If we don’t we might as well lay down and die
You and i

Sometimes I see
How the brave new world arrives
And I see how it thrives
In the ashes of our lives
Oh yes, man is a fool
And he thinks he’ll be okay
Dragging on, feet of clay
Never knowing he’s astray
Keeps on going anyway...

Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have a vision now and then
Of a world where every neighbour is a friend
Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have our hopes, our will to try
If we don’t we might as well lay down and die
You and i

Seems to me now
That the dreams we had before
Are all dead, nothing more
Than confetti on the floor
It’s the end of a decade
In another ten years time
Who can say what we’ll find
What lies waiting down the line
In the end of eighty-nine...

Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have a vision now and then
Of a world where every neighbour is a friend
Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have our hopes, our will to try
If we don’t we might as well lay down and die
You and i

Monday, December 24, 2007






Lenka x

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Last 8 months II

One of the nights!!!

On the way to Torp

Last 8 months I

Flight to Murcia

Murcia airport

Helloween night

Agneska and me

Chesus last flight

Martha, Malgorzata, me and Marta

Cambrige with Martina

Just before Christmas

Good morning everyone,

well it is 5am and I'm sitting in the crew room, having airport standby and hopping for neither of crew take me today flying, because I already plan so many things to do. It has been long time, since I wrote last time here and I must say not much happened.

Well since I moved to Bremen I have been busy working, didn't have summer holiday, but as you all know my mum and sister with kids where here in July. I had to work but still manage to have good time with them. End of August and September was very busy, me traveling 2 times to Spain, having my CSS training and recurrent training. Everything went ok, I pass all training flights and line checks as well. Got my Ryanair contract after one year and end of September I become AH, which means I can fly as a junior or No1. And it happened. Yesterday 8.12. I was flying as a No1 to Malta and back. I had very, very nice cabin crew and fly deck. Because it was my first time, of course I forgot some things but manage well all day. As we say in Czech, we learn from our mistakes and we try not to do them again.

During that time I had here couple people except my family visiting me. Mostly for weekends, in June there was Ivo and finally Martina manage to come to see me and she is even coming here for Xmas. Which I'm really looking forward to it, because no holiday for Christmas this year again, so it will be nice again to have someone here. Speaking of Xmas, since the 1.December I got in to very by Xmas mode, started baking Xmas cookies and visiting market every day. Just made one big decision for this time, no presents at all. So if you are thinking what to get me for Xmas, don't I don't need anything and I don't want anything.;-) Would be nice if you could come, but at this time I can't force you to come here. But still hope when the next year 2008 comes, you will make some time and visit Bremen.

Bremen is a nice city and when is a nice weather Schlachte is the best place to go. Not only this, in Bremen is a Beck brewery and to go there is really good and interesting. Beer lovers will really enjoy it, trust me, even I don't understand beer I just drink it :-), I had a nice afternoon there. And more and more to see here, football lovers can visit a museum of one of the big Bundesliga club Werder Bremen. For the record, I did not manage to go there. Still more to see, the famous Bremen musicians , Roland and others things to see. Trust me, always things to do here.:-)

The weather here is not so great, as my sister said, Bremen is a toilet of the world, her words are true, because it's raining here a lot. I already destroyed 3 umbrellas and not really sure if I didn't destroyed another one today but right now I'm not really up to check it. I will see when I go home. I keep walking every day to the airport and back home. I even join the gym, but at this time I really don't have much time, but at least I go there 1 or 2 times per week. Which for person like me it is a record.:-)

As I said before, no Xmas holiday for me, but I'm off to holiday one week before. Which is just in 2 days. On Tuesday 11.12. via Stansted airport I'm flying to Frankfurt-Hahn to see my ex-colleagues and later in the evening I'm off to Luxembourg to see everyone. On Friday 14.12. I'm off to Stansted again and staying for few days with Jana, Stephen and little Millie. Can't wait to see them all especially little Millie, last time I saw here was in February, so I hope we become good friends as quickly as last time we did.:-)

Otherwise nothing new here. My flat is 100% ready, I even have an Internet this time. Happy to live here. Just needs more visitors. :-) Still like flying, who wouldn't if time to time you are standing next to Real Madrid plane or The King of Jordan is next to you, so I have decide to stay here at least the end of 2008. So for the next 12 months you all know where to look for me. Planing few holidays next year. My mum will come for another few weeks in March so we want be staying here all the time. And then at the end of the March I will have another holiday. And from April 2008 Ryanair is changing flying hours from 1200h for 900h per year so I hope I will be less tired. :-) Decide not to go so often for my holidays to Czech. I would like to start travel more in to destinations Ryanair is flying. But you can still get me on Skype, ICQ and MSN, you can read about what I'm up to on my blog or just to write e.mail.

This will be I think everything for today. Already 2 crew left and it will be 7am and I need a breakfast. Have a nice Xmas all of you and hope to hear from you soon, do not stress. Take care and for next time see you.

Dobre rano vsem,

je prave 5h rano a ja sedim v crew room, mam dneska pohotovost na letisti a doufam, ze zadna skupina kdoo lita si me nevezme pro dnesek, abych s nima letala, protoze jsem si uz naplanovala spoustu veci. Dlouho jsem se neozvala a od te doby co jsem psala naposledy se nic moc nestalo.

Od te doby co jsem se prestehovala do Bremen jsem mela spoustu letani, nedostala jsem letni dovolenou,ale jak vsichni vite moje mamka a sestra s detma tady byli za mnou v cervnu. Sice jsem musela pracovat, ale stejne jsme si to uzili. Na konci srpna a v zari bylo nejenom spoustu prace, ale dvakrak jsem cestovala do Spanelska, kde jsem mela trenink pro No1 a rocni zkousky. Vse dopadlo dobre, vse jsem slozila i trenikove a zkouskove lety. Od zari jsem dostala po roce Ryanair smlouvu a koncem zari jsem se stala AH,coz znamena, ze mohu leta jako junior nebo No1. A konecne se to i stalo vcera 8.12. Jo,jo letala jsem jako No1 na Maltu a zpet. Byl to velice krasny den a diky vsem 3 kolegum co se mnou pracovali a pilotum vse probehlo v poradku. Samozdrejme nejaka ta chybicka se vloudila, ale jak se rika: Chybama se clovek uci!

Behem tohoto casu par osubek krome me rodiny me navstivilo na viked, v cervnu tu byl Ivo a konecne i Martina dorazila se na me podivat a dokonce prijede i na vanoce. Na co se strasne tesim, protoze nemam dovolenou na vanoce tento rok , tak bude velice prijemne tu nekoho mit. Kdyz mluvim o vanocich, od 1. prosince na me prisla vanocni muza a ja zacala pect cukrovi a navstevovat kazdy den vanocni trhy. Rozhodla jsem se letost nekupovat zadne darky. Takze pokud premyslite co mi koupit pod stromecek, prestante premyslet ja nic nepotrebuji a ani nechci, zbytecne vyhozene penize.:-) Lepsi by bylo kdyby jste prijeli, ale v tomto case rozumim, ze Vas tu neuvidim. Stale vsak doufam, ze pristi rok 2008 si udelate cas a prijedete se podivat sem do Bremen.

Bremen je pekne mesto a pokud je pekne pocasi Schlachte je to perfektni misto. A nejen tam, v Bremen je pivovat Beck a velice zajimave je jit na prohlidku. Milovnici piva si to 100% uziji, verte mi i pres to ze pivu nerozumim jen ho piju :-),moc jsem si to tam jedno odpoledne uzila. A stale vic a vic tu muzete videt. Milovnici fotbalu, je tu jeden z velkych klubu Bundes ligy Werder Bremen a museum fotbalu. Musim priznat tam jsem jeste nedorazila. A stale vic a vic muzete videt, slavne Bremenske muzikanty, Rolanda a dalsi veci. Verte mi, je tu spousta veci, ktere tu muzete podniknout.

Pocasi tady neni zas tak perfektni, jak by si clovek myslel a jak moje sestra prohlasila, Bremen je nocnik sveta, protoze tu stale prsi, coz je pravda. Prsi tu dost. Prozatim jsem zrusila 3 destniky a myslim, ze ten ctvrty je na ceste. Ale prave ted se mi nechce to kontrolovat. Kouknu na to az dorazim domu. Stale kazdy den chodim pesky na letiste a zpet domu. Dokonce jsem se prihlasila do posilovny, ale prozatim na to neni dostatek casu, ale snazim se vyrazim 1 ci 2 krat tydne. Coz pro cloveka jako jsem ja, je co rici.:-)

Jak jsem rekla na zacatku, zadna vanocni dovolena pro me, ale odjizdim na vanoce jeden tyden predem. V utery 11.12. pres Stansted letim zkontrolavat sve byvale kolegy do Frankfurt-Hahn, pozdeji odjizdim do Lucemburska pozdravit vsechny tam. V patek 14.12. odletam opet zpet do Stanstedu a zustavam tam par dni u Jany, Stephna a male Millie. Nemuzu se dockat je zase po dlouhe dobe videt, obzvlaste Millie. Posledne kdyz jsme se videli, to bylo v unoru, hned jsme byli kamaradi. Tak doufam, ze to bude i tentokrat. :-)

Jinak nic noveho. Muj byt je 100% hotov, dokonce mam internet. Velice jsem rada, ze mam tento byt. Jen potrebuji vice navstevniku. :-) Stale rada letam a kdo by ne, kdyz vedle Vas stoji letadlo Realu Madrid, nebo Jordanskoho Krale. Rozhodla jsem se zustat v Bremen nejmene do konce roku 2008. Takze pro dalsich 12 mesicu budete vedet kde me muzete najit. Pro pristi rok planuji par tydnu dovolene, ale tentokrat ne v cechach. Mamina prijede v breznu a zustane tu na par tydnu, takze i tu nekam vyvezu. Od dubna 2008 Ryanair meni hodiny letani, takze uz nebudeme letat 1200hodin rocne ale pouze 900hodin a tak doufam, ze nebudu tak unavena :-) Jak jsem psala, rozhodla jsem se prestat travit vsechnu svoji dovolenou v cechach a misto toho zacku cestovat do destinaci kam Ryanair leta. Ale stale me muzete zastihnout na Skype, ICQ and MSN, muzete si precis co podnikam na mem blogu nebo stale prijimam e.maily.

A to bude asi vse pro dnesek. Tak konecne 2 skupiny uz jsou pryc a bude 7hodin a ja potrebuji snidani. Preji vsem krasne vanoce a doufam, ze o Vas brzo uslysim. Oparujte se a nestresujte se a zase brzo naschledanou.